
How to know if your IT strategy is working for your business?

In this article, we explain the 4 key areas you should examine to determine if your IT strategy is working for you.


So, what are the 4 key areas of an IT strategy?


The easiest way to determine whether your business’s technical environment is simple enough is to review the number of different technologies being used. Are there any opportunities to rationalise the number of software applications that you are using?

For example, are you using an external application for booking meetings, or does your existing office software have the capability to do this? The disadvantages of too much technology include training staff, cost, lack of integration or AI, too much data scattered around, increased vulnerability to cyber threats, and difficulty managing.


For performance, study your internal processes to determine if there are any bottlenecks or limitations. It’s critical to ask your staff the right questions to find out if any technology you are using causes them frustration or if they find it clunky and/or hard to use. If staff are complaining, it’s a pretty good indicator of poor IT performance.


To know whether your IT is resilient you need to look at your outage history. Minor outages from time to time may be considered normal, like if an older device stops working.


However, major outages, such as entire systems going down, should not happen regularly. It is great to document the frequency and impact of outages so that you can review these when your IT contracts are coming up for renewal.


We recommend completing security assessments and benchmarking these against regulated cyber security frameworks to determine your security posture.

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Once you have assessed these 4 key areas, you will have identified where improvements can be made. Keep a record of this so that when you start to uplift your technical environment, you can review it again in 6 months and see how much progress has been made.

If your IT strategy is hindering your ability to deliver positive business outcomes for your employees, customers, and stakeholders, we would love to help.

Our IT Consulting Advisors can offer objective advice on technology projects and fill the gaps between vendors and project stakeholders, enabling your business to focus on its core operations without the distraction of internal technology decision-making processes. Contact our team today to see how Myrtec can be your partner in growth.
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