We are so chuffed that you decided to join us for lunch! Below you will find the images and resources as promised. Until next time, enjoy!
Event Gallery
You look SO good here! Please post, like, comment and share. Oh, and of course don’t forget to tag us.
Michael’s Presentation
Incase you fell asleep during Michael’s presentation, here is everything you need to know about Essential 8 Security. A lot of this stuff can be done in-house, so share around with your team!
Now THIS is the stuff that we recommend you get in contact with our team about…
Microsoft 365 New Commerce Experience
We offer a sense of partnership that goes beyond the typical IT experience. Our value starts where the scope of a traditional managed service ends.
We’re not just another faceless IT company. We are all about old school professionalism, which means rather than hiding behind our screens, we’d like to meet you face to face (or virtually if required!).
Let’s organise an initial in-person or online meeting to scope if we’d be a good fit for you.
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