The Hunter Community Legal Centre is a not-for-profit community organisation; funded by the State and Commonwealth Government. They offer free legal advice and information to anyone living, working or studying in the Hunter. Pre-pandemic, HCLC delivered free face-to-face information sessions to the public at various locations around the Hunter. During Covid, this had to end.
This was until the City of Newcastle announced their Boost Our City initiative. Designed for groups, charities and non-government organisations, Boost Our City grants would allow eligible Novocastrian businesses to receive up to $30,000 to develop innovative solutions to challenges presented by the pandemic to the most vulnerable and at-risk communities.
HCLC applied, and was successful in receiving a Boost Our City grant. Their goal was to support as many people as pre-pandemic, if not more, by distributing their information sessions online.
Their grant would allow them to purchase the right technology to do this. They knew they did not need fancy equipment or want anything complicated, just simple video equipment that would allow them to host their sessions online, record them, and distribute the content to anyone who couldn’t attend live.
“[Myrtec technology consultants] took the time to get to know the specific aims and objectives of our project so that our videos could be successful. They understood our needs and adapted their strategy to meet them. It’s their flexibility and promptness that make us want to continue working with them.”
They went to market and reached out to many local vendors that could help them procure new equipment, but ultimately entrusted Myrtec to help them.
This was because, unlike other vendors, Myrtec technology consultants went out of their way to get to know the requirements of the project, and thereby develop the perfect solution that would meet their specific needs.
HCLC Community Legal Education Coordinator Duhita Lewis said, “[Myrtec technology consultants] took the time to get to know the specific aims and objectives of our project so that our videos could be successful.”
We offer a sense of partnership that goes beyond the typical IT experience. Our value starts where the scope of a traditional managed service ends.
We’re not just another faceless IT company. We are all about old school professionalism, which means rather than hiding behind our screens, we’d like to meet you face to face (or virtually if required!).
Let’s organise an initial in-person or online meeting to scope if we’d be a good fit for you.
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